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Monday,November 2nd, 2015-Present day
Twenty three years have passed since the birth of my last child, my son Jake.

my little munchkin man


Baby hospital bracelet

Monday,November 2nd, 1992-
The morning started out like any other, the only difference being my present situation- I looked like your average beach whale, quite heavily pregnant and more than ready to give birth! It was a Monday morning, and I was up earlier than usual due to the fact my sleep had been interrupted- I’d been woken around 6am by the sound of the side gate rattling, loud enough to warrant investigating… a quick glimpse from my bedroom window and I spotted a man running through our yard! He was startled by my presence, obviously so alarmed he took off like a flash.. but the fright had affected me more and I suddenly felt a few pains in my stomach.
I was scheduled for my hospital-clinic visit that morning, so if anything was about to happen at least I’d be in the right place.

The queue to the clinic was long, but I took my place and soon began chatting with some of the other pregnant ladies. Our discussions were obvious ones, but I appeared to be the “hot” topic because I was the only person with a “due date” delivery, and many were fascinated to hear about my ‘morning intruder’.
My name was soon called, and after the usual examination was told my blood pressure was dangerously high, so much so they warned me of the threat to my unborn baby and myself, so requested to admit me and perform an ‘inducement’.
(High blood pressure and pregnancy)
Who was I to argue? So rather than returning home to wait out the birth, I was being transferred to the maternity ward instead.
Meanwhile, seemed many of the hospital staff were preoccupied with talk of “Sweepstakes” and “form guides”…  I had arrived on  the ‘eve’ of Melbourne Cup Day, the big horse-racing event which can stop the country!

My (lovely) Gynecologist was on hand to give me reassurance, suggesting I concentrate on relaxing, and so for the following hours I decided THIS birth was one I wanted to truly participate in, (preferably without the need for medication) and even though I was hooked up to an IV drip for the inducement, wanted as little “clinical” interference as possible. With my trusty Walkman on hand (well after all it WAS the 90’s), popped in a few of my pre-taped songs to while away the hours while the drip did its thing. My partner had been there with me right up until he had to duck out to pick up mum… (both my birth-partners), and he’d no longer left that it happened…my labour pains kicked in! I can’t recall how long this went on for, (even though it seemed forever) but by the time Mum and partner had arrived, it was ALL happening! The notion of no drugs…..out the window!! A couple of pethadine shots later and a few good pushes, my beautiful (weighing 9lb) baby boy came into the world.
As I soaked up this wonderful moment,  my birth partners sat back and enjoyed a pot of tea….”Now what are we going to call him?” the question on everyone’s lips.
Happy birthday Jake!


Love my boy!

Love my boy!